FREE course to MIPP members who wish to submit a qualification panel 

We would like to update our members regarding qualifications & distinctions our members can achieve through MIPP.

MIPP is the only local association with internationally-accepted distinctions and qualifications in photography. Our members can apply for Licentiate, Associate or Fellow of MIPP (LMIPP, AMIPP and FMIPP, respectively).

Some new changes to the MIPP Qualification system have been implemented:

  • Any MIPP member can apply for Fellowship directly (direct Fellowship applications will be vetted by a panel of experts prior to being accepted).
  • MIPP members can submit FMIPP via submission of research or book monograph publications.

We understand the process of preparing a print or book panel may appear daunting, but it is a journey of self-discovery, self-improvement and progress. To this end, we are offering a FREE course to MIPP members who wish to submit a qualification panel within the next year (the next 2 qualification judging sessions are 5th April 2022 and November 2022), to help prospective applicants prepare for the panel, at all 3 levels.

The free course will start in April and will last 8 weeks, going through the whole process of planning, shooting, printing and submitting the panel, with the help of expert tutors well versed in preparing and judging qualification panels.

All those interested should apply on by Wednesday 16th March 2022. The free course is limited to the first 12 MIPP members who apply.

Open Competitions

© Lucienne Attard

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, all other competitions have been put on hold until further notice.

MIPP Monthly Competitions

Participate in our friendly monthly competitions as one of the many benefits of being a member of the MIPP. Each monthly competition will be themed to a specific genre or concept and judged by 2 x MIPP Executive Committee members (Frank Farrugia and Kurt Paris) and an additional guest photographer specialising in the theme of the month.

So, start clicking or begin browsing that back catalogue of images and share your images with our community.

Winners will be invited to exhibit their selected image as part of MIPP’s end of year 2024 exhibition in Paola, opening night, catered and with prints gifted to their respective authors.

The simple steps are:

  1. Prepare your digital file (recommended specs listed below) and upload to your personal Instagram account using the chosen hashtag. The number in the hashtag pertains to the month of the year e.g. you #MIPPcomp04 qualifies your image to April, the 4th month of the year, 05 with May and so on.
  2. Alternatively, you can submit your image on The MIPP WALL, post your image here, within the time constraints.
  3. That’s as hard as it gets!

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the online photographic competition hosted by the Malta Institute of Professional Photography (MIPP)! Before participating, please read the following terms and conditions carefully:


  • The competition is open to members of the Malta Institute of Professional Photography (MIPP) who are at least 16 years old at the time of entry.
  • Committee members who will double as judges of the MIPP photographic competition, are not eligible to participate.
  • All participants must own or have access to a DSLR/Mirrorless Camera or manual film camera.


  • Entries must be submitted on the MIPP Wall within the provided time frame (will be outlined in competition announcement).
  • Submitted photo is recommended to have a size of 2000 pixels on the longest side, with a resolution of 72ppi, no larger than 5MB.
  • Participants must also post a screen grab of their metadata reflecting settings used.
  • Participants must ensure that their submissions comply with all technical requirements and guidelines specified by the competition.
  • All entries must be received by the cut-off time as specified in the competition guidelines or else will not be accepted.


  • By submitting an entry, participants warrant that they are the sole owner of the photograph and hold all necessary rights to it.
  • Participants retain sole copyright to their entries. However, by entering the competition, participants grant the MIPP permission to publish the winning entry/ies on their social media and website with the appropriate accreditation to the author.


  •  Submitted photographs must be original works created by the participant. These must not contain more than 25% AI generative enhancement or have been solely generated from AI. The winning entry agrees to provide an original file to original edited file via email for inspection, to ensure AI does not exceed the provisional limit.
  • Entries must not contain any material that is obscene, defamatory, or infringes on any third-party rights, including intellectual property rights.
  • Participants are solely responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions, releases, or licenses for the content of their submissions, including but not limited to identifiable individuals or private property. Failure to do so, may result in disqualification and the removal of their entry from MIPP Platforms for legal reasons such as GDPR.


  • Entries will be judged based on creativity, originality, composition, technical skill, and adherence to the theme of the competition, as outlined in the competition guidelines.
  • The judging panel’s decision is final and binding on all matters relating to the competition.


  • Details of prizes, including their nature and value, will be specified in the competition announcement.
  • Prizes are non-transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or other alternatives.


  • Winners will be notified via email and announced on MIPP social platforms (Facebook/Instagram) at around 13:00 on dates specified on competition announcement.
  • If a winner fails to meet eligibility requirements, the prize will be forfeited, and an alternate winner will be selected.


  • By accepting a prize, winners consent to the use of their name, likeness, and winning photograph for promotional and marketing purposes related to the competition including the end of year exhibition without additional compensation.


  • The MIPP reserves the right to disqualify any entry that violates these terms and conditions or is deemed inappropriate for any reason.
  • Participants found engaging in fraud, cheating, or any form of misconduct may be disqualified from current and future competitions.


  • The MIPP reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the competition at any time for any reason without prior notice.
  • In the event of termination, no compensation or recourse will be provided to participants.


  • The MIPP and its affiliates shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or injury resulting from participation in the competition or acceptance, use, or misuse of any prize awarded.
  • Participants agree to indemnify and hold harmless the MIPP and its affiliates from any claims arising out of their participation in the competition or violation of these terms and conditions.


  • These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malta. Any disputes arising from or related to the competition shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Malta.
  • By participating in the competition, participants agree to abide by these terms and conditions in their entirety. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disqualification from the competition.


MIPP STATUTE 2022 – Malta Institute of Professional Photography (VO 0438)

© Brian Cassar

Clause 1(a)
Mission Statement
Our motto is professionalism and excellence in all aspects. The Institute’s main objectives are the furtherance and improvement of photography and photography practitioners together with the safeguarding of the profession. The MIPP is also pledged to providing valid vocational academic and non-academic training, education and certified Qualifications.
The official mailing address of the MIPP is 76, Triq Brittanja, Paola PLA1426, Malta.

Clause 1(b)
The official MIPP languages are Maltese and English. The official MIPP Statute is to be available in both versions.

Clause 1(c)
The MIPP is declared to be a Voluntary, Autonomous and Non-Profit Organization, as defined in the Voluntary Organisations Act (Chapter 492, the laws of Malta). It is officially registered as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO – registration number 0438). The MIPP is also licensed with the National Commission for Further and Higher Education as a Further Education Institution (license number 2014-FH1013). No part of the organization’s income, capital or property shall be available directly or indirectly to any promoter, member, administrator, donor or other private interest.

The Institute shall be administered by an Executive Committee of 7 members. All those filling the official posts must be MIPP members. All elected executive committee members will have full voting powers. All members will have a designated role.

Clause 1(e)
At any time during tenure of office, the Executive Committee may choose any persons to assist and improve with the running of the Institute. These individuals will not have any voting powers but may be invited to attend official committees on an advisory basis.

Clause 1 (f)
All cheques issued by the Institute are to be signed by any two of the following three signatories – President, General Secretary, Treasurer. MIPP transactions or services pertaining to banking, (including electronic transactions via internet), must also to be authorized by the same three persons.

Clause 1 (g)
Should the M.I.P.P. be dissolved, any assets remaining after settling liabilities shall be disposed of in favour of another organisations with similar aims or as determined by a General Meeting. To be effective, such decisions require a two-thirds majority vote from members eligible to vote.

Clause 1(h)
Individuals may be appointed by the Executive Committee this individual will be responsible for MIPP related work and will be answerable to the Executive Committee. Payment for services will be agreed prior to agreement. This agreement, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, may be terminated or renewed after periods of six months. Executive Committee members are also eligible for this appointment but the work assigned and remunerated is to be outside the agreed Committee duties and responsibilities. At all times, the administrators must keep a register of associated members which shall be made available to any person authorised at law or by the Court.

Clause 1(i)
The Executive Committee representing and on behalf of all MIPP members is allowed to own immovable property, to borrow and raise money and secure or discharge any debt or obligation of or binding on the Institute in such manner as may be thought fit in particular by hypothecs, mortgages of or charges upon the assets present and future or by creation and issue of hypothecs, or other obligations or securities of any description where necessary and in relation to the aims and the official Statute of the Institute. In all such cases, a two-thirds vote in committee is needed.

Clause 1 (j) The MIPP may
(i) obtain a pecuniary gain from its activities when such gain is not received or credited to any private interest but is exclusively utilised for the purposes of the organisation;
(ii) buy or sell or otherwise deal in goods or services where such activities are exclusively related to its principal purposes.


Clause 2 (a)
The Executive Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

Clause 2 (b)
A member standing for election to the Executive Committee must be proposed and seconded by any two fully paid members. Nomination forms, signed by all three, shall be submitted by no later than two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. MIPP official sponsors andor their official representatives cannot apply to stand for election to the Executive Committee, but may be opted in as Consultants to the Committee by a majority vote from the Executive Committee. Consultants will not have voting powers in the Committee.

All applicants must have been fully paid up members of the MIPP for at least one year prior to that particular AGM before they can apply for committee.

Clause 2(c)
Members may also opt to contest one particular post in the Committee. In this case, the applicant must have been a fully paid up member of the MIPP for the last two years prior to that particular AGM. This option must be declared when submitting the nomination form.

Clause 2 (d)
Two tellers, (as well as a person appointed to record the official minutes), are to be nominated and seconded in order to run the voting process. These have all to be accepted by a majority vote from the eligible voting members.
Proceedings may also be recorded on audiovideo tape.

Clause 2 (e)
Any posts not decided by the AGM will be assigned by the newly elected Committee. To be elected for an Executive post, a member must first be voted in as an ordinary committee member and must obtain at least two thirds of the total number of the eligible votes at the actual AGM. All voting shall be done in one process and on one voting sheet. If less than the required number of members apply to contest Committee elections in an AGM or EGM, the meeting will still be held and the Committee formed by the contesting members. If, however, less than four members apply, the meeting will be postponed at intervals of fifteen days until enough nominations are submitted. During this further nomination period, which must not exceed two months, the outgoing Committee will retain its duties as a ‘Caretaker Committee.’ If after the two months not enough submissions are received, an EGM will be held in order to decide the future of the MIPP.

Clause 2 (f)
Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a term of one year. Outgoing members are also eligible for re-election. Should a Committee member resign from hisher post, but not from the Committee itself, the current Committee members will re-assign the particular post.

Clause 2 (g)
In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Executive Committee, this may be filled by the member obtaining the next highest number of votes in the previous election with the committee again reviewing all offices. When this option is not chosen, the Committee can either call an Extraordinary General meeting to specifically elect a new member, or operate with no less than 4 members till the end of that particular term.

Clause 2 (h)
The quorum of an Executive Committee meeting shall be three members. If this number is less, the meeting will be adjourned. Should the quorum not be attained at the next scheduled meeting, the Committee will commence fifteen minutes after the scheduled time and all decisions will be binding.

Clause 2 (i)
For the purpose and to conform with the Income Tax Law, the Hon. Treasurer shall be required to draw up a statement of Accounts for that current year ending 31st December. This statement shall be approved by a majority vote in committee, officially signed by two current committee members and presented for approval at the Annual General Meeting.

Clause 2 (j)
The outgoing MIPP Secretary General shall be responsible for chairing EGMAGM proceedings. He shall present the Annual Report of the Institute at the AGM. This report must be sent to all members at least two weeks prior to the AGM.

Clause 2 (k)
Any Executive Committee member failing to attend three consecutive meetings without justifiable reason may be required to resign from hisher post. During the period in office, an Executive Committee member has to attend 75% of the meetings in order to be allowed nomination for the next election.

Clause 2 (l)
The AGM shall be held by not later then March of each year. An Extraordinary General Meeting can be convened by the Executive Committee if considered necessary or if requested by not less than one-third of the current General membership eligible to vote.

Clause 2 (m)
The quorum for an AGM or EGM shall be one third of the current general membership eligible to vote. In the absence of such quorum, subject to the minimum attendance of four (4) Executive Committee members and not less than five (5) paid up members present, the AGMEGM shall be held, with the same agenda, fifteen minutes later and all decisions taken shall be binding on the Institute as a whole.

Clause 2 (n)
In the absence of such a quorum, the Chairman may decide to postpone the meeting by not more than 30 minutes and if no quorum is reached, postpone the meeting to another date.

Clause 2 (o)
In the further absence of such a quorum, as stated above, after the AGM andor EGM is postponed, the quorum shall be the number of eligible members present. The meeting shall be held, with the same agenda, fifteen minutes later and all decisions taken shall be binding on the Institute as a whole.
Clause 2 (p)
The Minutes of an AGM or an EGM are to be finalized and sent to all MIPP members by not later than one month from the completion of the AGM or EGM. Clause 2 (q) Members attending an EGMAGM are to be aware that their interventions together with their names will be recorded in the official minutes and can be made public.

Clause 2 (r)
Non-members may attend an AGMEGM strictly as observers but will not be accepted should any MIPP member present for the meeting object to their presence.


Clause 3 (a)
The MIPP has four categories of Membership

‘MEMBER’ is any person whose objective is to attain a professional level in his photography.
‘PENSIONER’ is any member who has reached hisher pension age and has a 60 plus ID Card.
‘JOINT MEMBERSHIP’ are those members who are married or cohabiting in the same residential address.
‘OVERSEAS MEMBER’ are those members who are not residing in Malta.

All categories of Membership denote full acceptance and abidance of the MIPP Code of Conduct.

Clause 3 (b)
A person applying for membership to the Institute must have passed the age of consent on the application date as established by Maltese law.

Clause 3 (c)
Subscription shall be as follows:
• MIPP Member €40 annually
• MIPP Overseas Member €30 annually
• Members 61 years and over €25 annually Option A
• Members 61 years and over €200 one-time payment Option B
• Joint Membership
• (Married / cohabiting Couples) €60 annually ( ID card proof bearing the same residence is required.)

New member subscriptions that are paid in full after the 1st June will cover the member’s full dues for the following year. All subscriptions are to be paid in advance and fall due on the 1st of January of each year. All Executive Committee members are exempted from paying their subscription fee during their term of office.

Membership in the MIPP signifies the acceptance and adherence to the Institute’s Code of Ethics, Rules and Regulations as well as this official Statute.

Clause 3 (d)
A member whose subscription is still in arrears three weeks from the 1st of January shall be sent a reminder. The absence of payment by the date of the AGM will indicate the member’s voluntary resignation from the Institute.
The Executive Committee may, at any time, demand the return of any official certificates issued by the Institute. All MIPP Certificates remain the property of the Institute.

Clause 3 (e)
All new memberships are to be reviewed at an official Executive
Committee meeting and decisions are to be documented in the official minutes. For one to be accepted as an MIPP member, a majority vote is needed in the Committee.
The MIPP Executive Committee reserves the right to reject any application.
The MIPP Committee also reserves the right to revoke any membership at any time it may deem fit.
Such decisions have to carry a two thirds majority Committee vote.

Clause 3 (f)
All MIPP Members and one appointed representative from each of the major MIPP sponsors will have full voting powers as long as they have been members for at least three months prior to an EGM AGM.


Clause 4 (a)
Any member alleged to have brought, or attempted to bring disrepute to the MIPP may be asked to appear before the Executive Committee. If the case is proven, necessary measures will be adopted. A member may be forfeited of hisher membership after being reprimanded, with no refunds given. The case can be made public if the reproved member does not remedy and prove to adhere strictly to the MIPP “Code of Ethics”. If the said member fails to appear before the Executive Committee without justification, a decision will be taken and communicated to the said member. Any membership can also be terminated with immediate effect if this said member is considered by the Executive Committee to be working against the interests of the MIPP andor Photography. For such decisions to be taken, a minimum two thirds majority vote of the Committee is necessary.

Clause 4 (b)
The MIPP strongly condemns in any form the copying of “Copyrighted” images or material from any source whatsoever. In such cases, when the infringement is proven, the Committee reserves the right to take any disciplinary action it deems fit.


Clause 5 (a)
The Executive Committee and Members may recommend the Honorary Life Membership of the Institute to those persons, who in their opinion deserve recognition for their special services to the MIPP. An Honorary Award can be awarded in recognition of outstanding contributions to the advancement of Photography. Honorary Life Awards can only be given to Members of the MIPP and are restricted to not more than one Award per year. Since personal achievement alone does not necessarily contribute to the advancement of photography, it does not qualify the candidate unless combined with outstanding elements of service in favour of the MIPP. Nominees must be MIPP members for at least five years and proposed and seconded by MIPP members.

Clause5 (b)
The Executive Committee and Members may also recommend persons (not necessarily MIPP members) for the “MIPP Photography Award of Recognition” for their outstanding service and support to Photography.

Clause5 (c)
All nominations for Awards are to reach the Executive Committee in writing by the end of September of each year.

Clause 5 (d)
The Executive Committee will take the responsibility to discuss, decide and vote on any nominations received. The panel must consist of 7 persons including the Committee. The committee will nominate persons from outside its ranks in order to make up the required number of persons on the adjudicating panel. Successful nominations, which need to have at least a three member majority in the panel, will be announced and awards given by the end of the nomination year. Nominees must be proposed and Seconded by MIPP members.

Should a current Committee member be nominated, the nomination would be decided in the absence of such member. The nominated member would, therefore, not have a vote on the decision.

Clause 5 (e)
The committee can also bestow an Honorary Membership to persons deemed to have assisted and helped the MIPP. Such memberships need at least 4 favourable votes out of the 5 executive committee eligible votes. Honorary Memberships are given for a limited period and can be withdrawn again through the same process.


Clause 6
Alterations to this statue shall be subject to a two-thirds majority of the Eligible members present at the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting. Only fully paid members may submit Statute amendments to the Executive Committee at least four weeks prior to such meetings. Such amendments must be submitted in writing. Members shall be sent copies of an AGM or EGM agenda at least two weeks before the date of such meetings.

Clause 7
Should the MIPP be dissolved, any assets remaining after settling liabilities shall be disposed of as determined by an Extraordinary or a General Meeting.

Revised and approved 21st February 2022 MIPP AGM

Download the official statute from here

The Malta Institute of Professional Photography

MIPP Today

The Malta Institute of Professional Photography (MIPP) is an NGO offering education, networking, professional assistance and physical resources to photographers in Malta. MIPP’s educational opportunities come in the form of courses, talks & workshops, whilst MIPP also offers the rental of a fully equipped photography studio as well as its equipment.

History of MIPP

The Malta Institute of Professional Photography (MIPP) officially came into being during a meeting held on the 2nd of October 1996. This first meeting, open to all those with an interest in Professional Photography, was held at the Grosvenor Hotel. It was the outcome of a group of individuals who had for a time been discussing ways to improve the standard, respect and recognition of Maltese Photography and Photographers.

The idea to form the MIPP was first discussed and agreed upon by Kevin Casha and Colin Pilling on the 16th of July 1996 at the Coach and Horses in Valley Road, Birkirkara. A subsequent meeting, on the 1st of August, saw Konrad Agius joining the first two. Further meetings were held with several interested persons contributing.  These were namely Walter Barbara, Joe P. Borg, Martin Abela, Anthony Portelli, and Charles Calleja.

After these initial, informal meetings, arrangements were made to keep meeting at the Grosvenor Hotel in Attard. An interim Committee was established and the first official MIPP Minutes started being recorded on the 10th of September 1996.

This Interim Committee consisted of Kevin Casha, Konrad Agius, Colin Pilling, Anthony Portelli, and Charles Calleja. These preparatory interim meetings paved the way towards the first official MIPP General Meeting on the 29th of April 1997, again at the Grosvenor Hotel. There, the first official Committee was voted in and was made up of Kevin Casha, Hon. Chairman, Colin Pilling, Hon. PRO; Konrad Agius, Hon. Secretary, Charles Calleja, Hon. Treasurer, Anthony Portelli as a member and Joe Farrugia as a representative for the Student section.

That first day has now become history and from then on, during a relatively short space, the MIPP has grown from strength to strength. It has become an authoritative voice for the local professional photographic community as well as the official Government-recognized body where legislation and regulation of the local Photographic Industry are concerned. The original goal of the MIPP was to help organize and educate local photographers who were earning their main income from photography yet, subsequent evolvement saw the Institute grooming hobbyists, amateurs as well as professional photographers.

The Institute has been run with a view of upgrading and regulating the Industry, getting photographers to network with each other as well as teaching and formulating guidelines on various important issues that working photographers face. The MIPP has its own Code of Ethics as well as a yearly revisable Statute, voted in by its members at an Annual General Meeting. Currently, a President and four Committee Members run the Institute on democratic lines.

Many are the milestones achieved by the MIPP. One of the highlights of the MIPP’s brief, but important history was the organization of ‘Photofest 2000′ held at the Malta International Trade Fair in Naxxar. This was the first purely Photographic Fair that has ever been organized locally on such a scale. Here, the MIPP’s main goals were to generate further public awareness as well as increase business in local Photography. The huge interest shown by the visitors made this a memorable event. One must recall other important events such as the first photography Seminar put up by the MIPP, in March 1997, with the help of Attard & Company. This helped to bring local photographers together and strengthen the MIPP’s ranks. Another event held in 1998, the Photo Training Overseas, also enhanced the Institute’s international standing. This was made possible through the close ties the MIPP has always nurtured with UK Photographic Associations. This collaboration with some of the foremost British photographic organizations has proved so fruitful that local MIPP members have, for the past decade, been regularly invited to lecture and exhibit abroad.


Following this, an International Convention held in Rabat in 2001, was organized with no less than five top MPA officials coming over to help sharpen the skills of the MIPP members as well as to judge the first MIPP Qualifications. In 2003, the Institute hosted the Federation of European Photographers’ convention at Capua Palace and the Victoria Hotel in Sliema.



In 2010, the MIPP officially became a registered NGO and during its 10th Anniversary, in 2006, the MIPP marked this celebration through the publication of a book that highlighted the work of its members.  In April 2014, the MIPP was awarded the status of an Institute for Further Education by Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) and today runs highly popular accredited part-time Level 3 and 4 Awards in Photography as well as varied educational programmes with courses and workshops for all levels.

During its existence, the MIPP has regularly been sought out by various Government and private entities to regulate and organize national competitions, exhibitions and projects related to the photographic medium. This has helped the local photographic community to widen its horizons and streamline its operations.


The setting up of the MIPP’s own ‘Qualification’ system has further empowered members to submit a panel of their works towards gaining such Distinctions. These Qualifications are considered valid benchmarks denoting high photographic capabilities. Previous to the introduction of these MIPP Qualifications, Maltese photographers had to submit their work to foreign organizations, with the process entailing not only considerable expense but also very little feedback. Today, MIPP members can locally opt to apply for three different categories: The LMIPP, the AMIPP and the FMIPP. Applicants can now personally benefit from judging and feedback sessions that are held on the island. Furthermore, these Qualifications are held in high esteem.

The MIPP’s yearly International Seminars are much awaited by local Photographers and to date have brought to our islands many top-level international exponents of the art to lecture, demonstrate and collaborate with Maltese photographers.

A further vital milestone was reached when the MIPP acquired its premises in Paola. On the 23rd of June 2017, the contract was legally signed and the premises were officially inaugurated on the 26th of November of that same year when an open day for members and the public was successfully organized. MIPP is well prepared and positioned to continue advocating for the improvement of Maltese photography, and the advent of a new President in Dr Charles Paul Azzopardi since 2020, well versed in professional photography, how to internationalize it and how to function effectively in today’s photographic reality, has created new energy and enthusiasm, coupled with a young, dynamic executive committee with the participation of youths, strong women and experienced veterans.

As of the latest update to this section (April 2023), the committee is led by Frank Farrugia, assisted by a young, new team of committee members. Frank has been a full-time photographer for over a decade, with equal experience in photographic education, most of which gained in Syndey, Australia, where Frank worked primarily as a wedding and portrait photographer.

MIPP has continued to offer opportunities to network with other photographers, whilst adapting its offerings to better suit the photographic, rapidly changing world of 2023. Whilst MIPP still offers long-form courses and photo talks, more focus is being placed on short-form workshops and resources to help photographers in Malta at all levels. The latest additions to MIPP’s offerings are the renovation of the premises to include a new exhibition wall as well as a fully-equipped photographic studio, with both the studio, as well as its lighting equipment, available for rent.

In this comparatively short period, the MIPP has come a long way, continuously evolving in the process, yet its main objective remains the “Furtherance of the local Professional Photographic Industry in all its aspects.”



MIPP Applied Commercial Photography Award

The Malta Institute of Professional Photography (MIPP) is licensed by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority as a Further Education Institution (MFHEA) under the license number 2014-FHI-013. This programme, the MIPP Applied Commercial Photography Award by MFHEA is categorized as a Further Education Programme and accredited by the MFHEA.

In its ongoing policy of providing MFHEA accredited courses and awards for our members and all those interested in furthering their photography studies, the MIPP has an Award in Applied Commercial Photography.

The Award, which will be run whenever the need arises is accredited at Level 4 and is the MIPP Applied Commercial Photography Award (ACPA). This course is primarily aimed at those who already have a good command and foundation of photographic and post-processing techniques and wish to take their photographic work to higher industry-level standards.

MIPP Applied Commercial Photography Award

1. The name of the educational program:

MIPP Applied Commercial Photography Award

2. The accredited status of the educational program:

Accredited by MFHEA.

3. The level of the qualification MQF/EQF:

Level 4

4. Type of course – qualification or Award:


5. Mode of delivery:

Face-to-face delivery

6. Hours of total learning:

300 hours

7. Workload:


 Contact hoursHands-on hoursSelf-study hoursAssessment hours
Module 1 – 4 ECTVS, level 4 EQF/MQF124804
Module 2- 4 ECTVS, level 4 EQF/MQF124804
Module 3- 4 ECTVS, level 4 EQF/MQF124804

8. Mode of attendance:


9. Program duration:

8 months

10. Target audience:

Serious amateurs and hobbyists who want to take their photography to a more commercial and professional level and engage further into specific photographic genres with an aim of widening their range of technical and conceptual skills.

11. Target group:


12. Language/languages:


Link to Identity Malta’s VISA requirement for third country nationals: unit/;

13. Addresses where the program will be delivered:

MIPP Head Office, 76, Triq Brittanja, Paola

14. Entry requirements:

Students must be at least 18  years old or over on the date of commencement of this course.


MQF Level 3 Certification by the Malta Institute of Professional Photography Award in Still Photography or an MIPP Qualification at or above LMIPP (Licentiate) level.

Prospective students who do not possess any of these academic requisites will be interviewed by the MIPP. Such applicants are to also present a digital portfolio consisting of 10 images of their best work in order that their proficiency to successfully attend and complete this course to be assessed. Furthermore, such non-qualified applicants need to have completed an MIPP-approved foundation course in photography.


Students must have a literacy level in the English language and basic computer skills.

Applicants for this course must have their own digital SLR camera and at least one general-purpose lens. A tripod, external flash, and post-processing software and hardware facilities are also necessary.

15. Structure of the program:

Module 1: Visual and Historical Context (months 1-3)

1.1 Identifying and understanding how to capture attention with images;

1.2. Evaluating images;

1.3. Identifying trends in the history of photography and creative alternative imagery. 

Competences: – at the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:
a) Identify and exploit ways of how to capture viewers attention with images. b) Influence Learner’s own imagery through better evaluation. c) Identify and work using current trends and genres in photography.  
Knowledge – at the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following: (This can be a list of knowledge/content items)
a) Iconic imagery by top exponents of photography. b) The conditioning factors which influence viewer engagement with imagery. c) Current work methods and techniques of modern f photographers.  
Skills – at the end of the module/unit the learner will have mastered the following skills:
Applying knowledge and understanding The learner will be able to: a) Be able to better understand concepts and messages in image production. b) Widen learner’s background to fashion photography outside the learner’s comfort zone. c) Introduce current work methods into future photographic work.  
Judgment Skills and Critical Abilities (This Section has been made sufficiently open to accommodate both vocational and academic orientations. Applicants can refer to Judgement Skills, or Critical Abilities (critical skills, dispositions, values, and actions), or both.)   Learners will be able to:    a) Critically evaluate their own and other photographers’ work and b) Better understand the concept and message properties of fashion photographs. c) Engage with complex conceptual and practical challenges  

Module 2: Advanced digital software techniques (months 4 and 5)

2.1 Essentials of post-processing techniques;

2.2 Advanced creative and experimental post-processing techniques;

2.3 Workflow techniques and working with software programs in order to produce photography visual presentations.

Competences: – at the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:
a) Identify and exploit ways of how to capture viewer attention through image post-processing. b) Influence Learner’s own imagery through the use of digital image software and advanced editing techniques. c) Identify and work with visual image presentation software in order to produce visual and audio presentations using the Learner’s own imagery.  
Knowledge – at the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following: (This can be a list of knowledge/content items)
a) Various advanced post-processing techniques. b) The importance of engaging viewers’ interest through the sympathetic use of post-processing software. c) Current work methods of image presentations.  
Skills – at the end of the module/unit the learner will have mastered the following skills:
Applying knowledge and understanding The learner will be able to: a) Better understand concepts and messages in post-processing image production. b) Widen learner’s background to advanced photographic post-processing techniques in order to enhance editing skills and influence correct workflow practice. c) Introduce current work methods into future photographic work practice, with particular emphasis on visual presentations and creative manipulation.  
Judgment Skills and Critical Abilities (This Section has been made sufficiently open to accommodate both vocational and academic orientations. Applicants can refer to Judgement Skills, or Critical Abilities (critical skills, dispositions, values, and actions), or both.)   The learner will be able to:    a) Be able to employ various post-processing techniques and b) Produce visual image presentations for the promotion and marketing of their own work. c) Engage with complex post-processing work.      

Module 3: Improving  techniques and practice (months 6-8)

3.1 Macro and Nature photography;

3.2 Architecture and Interior photography;

3.3 Advanced portable lighting techniques on location.

Competences: – at the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:
a) Identify and work with specialized close-up equipment; b) Explore ways to ethically produce nature photographs without any negative impact on the environment; c) Exploit and employ new, advanced techniques in different spheres of photography with a particular emphasis on-location work.  
Knowledge – at the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following: (This can be a list of knowledge/content items)
a) Iconic imagery by top exponents coming from different genres of photography; b) Specialised equipment and techniques needed for the production of high-level images in certain spheres of photography; c) Correct ethical practice when working in certain spheres of photography; d) In-depth knowledge of how to transfer and exploit work practices and skills from one genre of photography to another.  
Skills – at the end of the module/unit the learner will have mastered the following skills:
Applying knowledge and understanding The learner will be able to: a) Be able to better understand specialized techniques and skills needed in the production of images; b) Widen learner’s background to photographic genres and skills outside the learner’s comfort zone; c) Introduce current work methods into future photographic work.  
Judgment Skills and Critical Abilities (This Section has been made sufficiently open to accommodate both vocational and academic orientations. Applicants can refer to Judgement Skills, or Critical Abilities (critical skills, dispositions, values, and actions), or both.)   The learner will be able to:    a) Identify the right equipment to produce industry-standard results.   b) Employ photographic equipment and techniques to create industry-standard work in various commercial genres of photography.   c) Critically assess and use artificial and natural lighting in photography.    

16. The intended learning outcomes:

Knowledge: Learner will acquire factual and theoretical knowledge within specific fields of commercial photographic work as covered in the 3 modules.  Learners will gain insightful knowledge of the historical advances of photography and ways of incorporating photographic trends in their own work in order to produce more creative work.   Skills: Learner will obtain a range of practical and cognitive skills required to generate solutions to specific problems during fieldwork and personal study. They will be guided towards exploring other alternative methods of using photography in order to widen their creative and competitive horizons. In-depth training in complex photographic subjects, with particular relation to aspects of core commercial photography practices, will further guide learners to improve their level of work.   Competences: The learner will supervise the work of others and take some responsibility for the evaluation and improvement of work and study activities.  These competencies will be learned through ongoing peer evaluation and in-depth engagement with targeted genres of photographic research.
The learner will be able to: a); Communicate theoretical and technical information in a work or learning context.   b) Clearly understand clients’ requirements and briefs and apply correct work ethics whenever in contact with any other person they may encounter across the execution of their own work.   c)   Interact with clients and colleagues in a professional manner at all times.  
The learner will be able to: Interact with and generate solutions and generate solutions within commercial photographic work.     Apply key competencies to defined actions and to a technical and academic field of work.   Learners will be able to recognize the right photographic and post-processing techniques and equipment and properly apply them to different genres of commercial photography.

17. The teaching, learning, and assessment procedures:

Courses will be limited to a maximum of 15 students due to the practical and “hands-on” tutoring needed.

An external independent verifier, appointed by the MIPP, will also take part in the assessment process.

All units will be assessed through ongoing practical assignments, classroom assessments, practice tests, computer-based assessments, and learners’ work submitted from workshop tasks outlined by the tutor.

 Throughout the course, the learner is to build up and present a varied portfolio of his work (in digital format) of 20 images depicting industry-level work. The portfolio is to at least include 5 different genres of photography and demonstrate the learner’s capabilities in professionally handling diverse themes.

Furthermore, learners’ progress and research involvement will also be assessed and mentored through an ongoing reflective Journal. The Journal must support that the learner has, throughout the course, conducted in-depth research and reflection.

All units will be individually graded with a Pass, Merit, Distinction Grade, or a Fail.

To achieve this Award, learners must pass all modules and assessment criteria.

Places are limited so book early in order to ensure your place.

For full details and further queries, kindly contact

AGM – 2024

Tuesday 20th February 2024 start time 18:30 at Paola Premises

Present Committee Members:

Mario Borg (MB)

Edward De Gabriele (EDG)

Mitchell Camilleri (MC)

Frank Farrugia (FF)

Present Attendees:

Kevin Casha (KC)

Mike Borg (MIB)

Krista Attard (KA)

Kurt Paris (KP)

Josmar Muscat (JM)

Andrew Cutugno (AC)

Start of AGM:

Start of AGM was delayed by 15 minutes due to quorum not being reached.

The committee welcomed everyone to the meeting, and the agenda was read out.

Approval of 2023 Minutes:

KC and AC asked to go over the last AGM minutes, to check with regards to some details. Last AGM meeting minutes were provided and read. KC suggested listing the number of eligible members on AGM minutes. It was confirmed that all attendees of the AGM were eligible members. KC also noted that it would be ideal for any suggestion or intervention made by members to always show the name of the member making that suggestion or intervention.

The committee asked if there were issues with regards to the previous AGM minutes, however there were no further comments. The 2023 AGM minutes were unanimously approved.

Approval of Annual Report 2023:

The Annual Report of 2023 was sent out two weeks prior to the meeting as per the MIPP Statute. KC asked to read the report before voting. MB suggested having the document passed around whilst a summary is given.

The 2023 Annual Report was shown and all points were explained.

When going over website points, KP mentioned that there were some issues with payment methods on the website. The committee noted this in order to rectify the situation.

With regards to the convention, EDG and FF mentioned that the two largest challenges faced were the costs incurred with regards to venue and catering, as well as the difficulty in finding speakers, noting that over 50 potential speakers were contacted – with 2 accepting however cancelling their engagement closer to the event, leaving the committee to find replacements on a much tighter timeframe than would be ideal. KC suggested that these challenges should also be listed in the annual report. It was also clarified that despite criticism about the lack of female speakers, more female speakers were approached than male, however all of the potential candidates were either unavailable, uninterested in attending, or demanded fees which were far higher than the budget allowed for. When asked by KC about the returns from the convention, EDG clarified that although the convention made significant financial losses, MIPP noted a clear and sharp increase in memberships, use of MIPP services, course enrolments and online engagement in the wake of the event. KC suggested hosting more regular events with foreign speakers on a smaller scale, focusing on one foreign speaker at a time, in an effort to reduce costs and make such events more feasible from a financial point of view.

During the marketing overview, AC asked how MIPP memberships had been affected since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. The committee clarified that the number of paid members had increased over the previous term and now stands at 91 valid and paid-up members, however noted that there were many individuals who made regular use of MIPP’s offerings such as studio rental and courses, yet showed no interest in becoming members of the organisation. KC also asked whether MIPP is keeping a mailing list of such individuals, which FF confirmed was the case.

Whilst the overview of courses and events was being given, KC asked about the reception to MIPP’s social night concept, and KP asked for clarification about which events proved to be more popular amongst the community. EDG and FF explained that although members showed a positive reception, it was clear that members preferred to have allocated time after an existing event for such socialising. With regards to other event feedback, it was noted that hands-on events were by far the best received, with workshops being fully booked in less than 24 hours in some cases. It was also noted that photographers carrying a strong brand and online presence attracted the largest audiences. This was especially noted in the cases of Lorella Castillo and Emma Tranter – who both gave talks about their body of work. Panel discussions were also popular, likely due to the engaging and polarising topics chosen, such as the topics of ‘Knowing Your Worth as a Photographer’ and ‘How Much Does Equipment Really Matter?’. Critique night had mixed reviews. The format was good and worked well. It was very insightful and the majority of the those who submitted had positive reception to the critique received, although some took the criticism more harshly. KC proposed to name it as Assessment rather than Critique in order to make the concept less intimidating. This was noted and agreed upon by the committee. AC asked whether workshops were always done in the MIPP studio. EDG clarified that this depended on the situation, with workshops such as the Theatre Photography workshop being held on-site, in that specific case as Spazju Kreattiv in Valletta. It was also noted that the least popular events were those that discussed very niche and specific topics. It was found that MIPP’s current member pool is not large enough to warrant talks on such topics as there simply are not enough people who are interesting in extremely specific subsets of photography. KC asked whether the recording of talks for online use was explored. FF explained that this was the original intention and plan, however the committee found that the vast majority of speakers who were asked for their consent requested for their talk not to be filmed. KC asked whether snippets were considered, and MC clarified that snippets for promotional and advertising purposes were already being done. KC proposed that the MIPP should select certain well known photographers and do 5 min interview videos about them and their career, and whilst the person is talking there would be photos taken by that person going up on the screen. It would provide an advert for both the photographer and the MIPP. This suggestion was noted and would be taken into consideration by the incoming committee.

When concluding, the committee thanked the sponsors who helped MIPP in cash and in kind throughout the year, these being Avantech, Photo Images, ILAB and Filterpixel. The committee also noted and showed gratitude to the various members who assisted MIPP, especially during the 2023 convention.

The Annual Report was voted upon and unanimously approved.

Approval of Audited Account for 2023:

EDG went over the audited accounts for MIPP for the financial year of 2023.

KC and AC suggested a more detailed breakdown of the accounts above and above what is required by the auditing process and to be more specific in certain areas, as well as placing accounts next to the accounts from the previous year for comparison. EDG agreed with the concept, and noted that due to the smaller committee, himself and other committee members had to double up on roles and duties, meaning that with regards to the accounts and bookkeeping, the standard required by MIPP’s accountant and auditor was deemed to be the essential standard to be upheld, and the format presented during the AGM was in fact prepared by said auditor. The suggestion to keep more detailed sub-sections of the accounts was noted to be passed on to the incoming treasurer.

KC remarked that the incoming committee should be cautious with it’s finances in order to leave more of a financial cushion in the future. EDG agreed and noted that the investments made during 2023, particularly with regards to the MIPP Studio, had paid themselves off within the same year, and already exceeded the 2023 income amount in the first 40 days of 2024, showing that although the investments made were significant, they have allowed MIPP to have a much more robust cashflow and therefore it was anticipated that the MIPP’s financial standing would greatly improve due to these investments. KP suggested having a calculation of cost per rented hour for the studio hire, to be able to more accurately gauge the exact amount of profit being made. With regards to MIPP’s cost of operation, EDG clarified that this was calculated to be just under €300 per month, meaning that €3600 could cover MIPP’s operations for an entire year. This was what led the committee to ensure to keep the bank account above €4000 and stop investments from breaching that limit.

KP suggested setting a budget for MIPP, to which the committee stated that this can be done at the discretion of the incoming committee, during their first committee meeting.

KP also suggested more tracking of data overall, such exact attendance numbers with a demographic breakdown per individual event, rather than ballpark figures.

A vote was taken to approve the audited accounts for 2023. KC and AC abstained, stating that they had questions which they would like to raise as other matters. All others present voted in favour and the audited accounts were approved.

Nominations for the 2024 Committee:

The committee presented the 7 nominations that were received for the 2024 committee. Frank Farrugia (President), Carmela Kolb (Secretary General), Mike Borg (Treasurer), Mitchell Camilleri, Josmar Muscat, Kurt Paris & Krista Attard. Since the number of nominations did not exceed the number of positions available, no election would take place and no tellers were required. A vote of confidence was put forward and the new committee was unanimously approved.

Other Matters:

AC asked for clarification regarding the funding that was applied for on behalf of MIPP in 2022 and why this was not listed in the accounts.

The committee clarified that the grant of €35,000 was applied for by past-President Dr. Charles Paul Azzopardi and was handled in his personal capacity, meaning that the funds could not be audited into the accounts of MIPP given that they were not received into MIPP’s bank account. AC asked under what context the grant was given and the committee showed the extract available on the Arts Council website showing that the grant was awarded to Dr. Azzopardi for use for an MIPP Outreach Campaign that included a convention as well as the publication of a book.

KC stated that the MIPP should have a detailed breakdown of how those funds were used. The committee noted that they were aware of a breakdown of expenses, these could not be directly verified as MIPP was not directly involved with the transactions.

KP mentioned how the photographers in the book did not get remuneration for their photos that are featured in it. KP also asked whether there was written consent to use the images, given by the photographers to MIPP. MB stated that it was agreed with all the involved parties. KC noted how a copy of the Arts Council funding proposal should have ideally been presented to the committee.

AC mentioned how he had asked for details about the funds when he was in committee, however they were never provided and this was one of the reasons he had resigned from the committee.

The issue of liability in any potential disputes regarding the 25th Anniversary Book was raised by KC and AC and it was noted that such liability would lie with the publisher as MIPP is not selling any copies of the book.

With regards to the Arts Council, KC proposed that Arts Council are to be contacted and informed that any applications made on behalf of MIPP’s name should be made directly by MIPP with all the necessary signatories, and that funds transferred only to MIPP directly. This was agreed upon by all present.

KC asked that members should be able to view the accounts should they request to do so, and that the same applies to all committee meeting minutes. The committee clarified that this was the case, with the exception of discussions to events or initiatives that were not yet announced in order to not hinder the work of the committee. It was also clarified that such discussions would always be available in the minutes once the necessary announcements were made.

FF concluded by taking a moment to state that 2023 was a big year of growth for the MIPP. He thanked everyone that was involved or that assisted him and to all the members and everyone that contributed in any way.

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Photography Training for Real Estate Agents

This dedicated short course has been carefully designed to assist real estate agents and photographers who specialise in capturing imagery for the purpose of marketing a property. Covering both a smart phone or DSLR/mirrorless camera, students will learn how to capture better images through the understanding of light, angles, styling, and editing. Available to individual practitioners as well as corporate group training, this course benefits everyone; the agent, the buyer, and the seller.

Some of the course topics include:

1. Preparing the space.

2. Equipment required for the job!

3. Composition and Angles.

4. Lighting is Everything.

5. Stabilisation.

6. Manual DSLR/Mirrorless Camera Settings.

7. HDR and Bracketing Exposures.

8. Using the right Editing Tools.

and more…

To find out additional information about this course, feel free to express your interest below and let us know if you are enquiring on behalf of yourself, a group or a company.

Contact Us for More Course Information




Dominik Zky is a professional photographer specialising in portrait and fashion photography. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for artistic expression, Dominik is known for producing exceptional, highly detailed images that showcase the unique textures and nuances of his subjects.

His work has been featured in prestigious publications such as GQ Germany and Bode Magazine. Dominik has had the privilege of collaborating with Nikon Eu to produce captivating imagery that showcases his technical skill and creative vision.

As a dedicated creative, Dominik is always eager to connect with fellow artists, creative directors, art directors, and art buyers who share his passion for exceptional imagery and artistic expression. MIPP welcomes him to Malta’s Photography Convention, not to be missed!

Instagram: @dominikzky


Cédric Delsaux has spent nearly two decades dismantling our conventional perceptions of reality and photography’s relationship. His artistic objective is to transform photography into a conduit for Fiction, altering how we perceive reality.

Originally recognised for his work in advertising photography, Delsaux has since carved a niche for himself with personal, long-term photographic series. His series, “Dark Lens,” transports characters from the Star Wars universe into real settings. This endeavour garnered recognition from none other than George Lucas himself.

In subsequent works, Cédric Delsaux’s artistic journey culminates in his series “Dark Corporation.” Through his lens, Delsaux orchestrates a symphony where Star Wars characters and vehicles integrate into earthly landscapes, inviting reflection on the porous divide between fact and fiction.

Instagram: @cedric_delsaux


Manuel Sieber is a Munich based photographer who specialises in black and white photography. His work is often abstract and incorporates elements of surrealism, geometry & high contrast.

Inspired by his father, Albert Sieber, who has been a photographer for over 40 years and watching him develop his work in the family basement, it took Manuel almost 33 years to find his own way into photography. His creative development started with music, in his childhood bedroom with 2 turntables. He began to remix songs and ended up in producing his own records for his label, that he has been running for 10 years.

After this chapter in his life was closed, he searched for something to satisfy his creative needs. Again, his father inspired him and introduced him to the world of street photography. This is where his photography story begins, he bought a secondhand camera, and he never left the house without it again.

Instagram: @unlicensed.lensed


Benj Story, aged 24 and based out of Leeds in England, has been a photographer for the past 7 years shooting anything which has caught his eye but landscapes was where it all started for him. 

He now travels the world to usually the more dramatic of landscapes to capture them in the analogue format, visiting places such as the French and Swiss alps as well as places such as Iceland and the Italian dolomites.

His interest for analogue photography started in lockdown and was something he quickly became obsessed with as his digital workflow had began to loose its spark. Since getting into the analogue format he feels he has learnt and grown a lot as a photographer and he enjoys the slower pace that it brings.

Instagram: @benj.story


Brian Grech is a photographer and visual designer who has been working across photography and digital arts for the past 25 years. 

After obtaining degrees in Communications and Psychology, Brian spent several years as a creative director for a variety of international companies. In this time, he was awarded the prestigious title of Best Fashion Photographer of the Year at The Malta International Fashion Awards for 3 consecutive years.

​Drawing inspiration from history, art, and fashion, Brian’s photographic style is characterised by meticulous attention to detail and the use of light to create surreal and captivating imagery. His work has been featured in a number of distinguished publications including Dazed & Confused (Korea), appearing alongside those of renowned photographers Herb Ritts and Mark Seliger, as well as Harpers Bazaar (UK), Elle Decoration, Wallpaper* City Guides, and other respected titles.

Instagram: @briangrech


Gurvir Johal is a professional photographer specialising in wedding photography. His love for art allowed him to develop a keen eye for detail and as years passed experimenting with various mediums to feed this creative hunger, his passion for photography was discovered.

Being able to immortalise a moment and to document such an important milestone in peoples lives is exhilarating. To photograph a wedding is a huge responsibility, but capturing those fleeting moments throughout the day and being able to create breathtaking portraits gives Gurvir a huge buzz and a sense of achievement.

Having travelled the world photographing weddings, meeting new people, judging & competing in many prestigious photography competitions, speaking & educating at numerous conferences and being able to teach sold-out workshops around the world, his next stop, Malta!

Instagram: @gurvir_johal