Photography Training for Real Estate Agents

Welcome to our Photography Training for Real Estate Agents course! In this comprehensive program, we equip real estate professionals with the essential photography skills to showcase properties effectively. Our course covers:

Camera Basics: Learn how to use your camera effectively, understand settings, and maximise its capabilities for real estate photography.

Composition Techniques: Master the art of composition to capture appealing and engaging property images that highlight key features.

Lighting Strategies: Explore various lighting techniques to enhance interior and exterior shots, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere.

Image Editing Tools: Gain proficiency in editing software to refine and optimise your photos for a polished and professional look.

Staging Tips: Understand how to stage a property for optimal visual impact, ensuring your photos represent the space at its best.

And more!

By the end of the Photography Training for Real Estate Agents course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge needed to elevate your property marketing through stunning and impactful photography. Join us in capturing the essence of homes and attracting buyers with compelling visuals.

To find out additional information about this course, feel free to express your interest below and let us know if you are enquiring on behalf of yourself, a group or a company.

Contact Us for More Course Information

AMIPP 2020 – Charles Paul Azzopardi

Statement of Intent

Event photography – SOAR

This project brings together a representational cross-section of Azzopardi’s work in dance photography, and comprises striking images of the precision and power of the human body & anatomy. For this panel the images have been collected into a series that together transcend any one fixed single image; each group of works becomes a resonant field of forms and figures, forming shifting sculptures of form, anatomy and design. This presentation of Azzopardi’s work brings a fresh perspective from a medical doctor’s trained eye in anatomy analysing on dance & photography to capture the decisive moment, that most elusive yet intriguing of photographic subjects – human anatomy in motion. Capturing the graceful forms of dancers in flight by chiselling a moment in time into an impactful sculpture, Azzopardi’s photographs reveal what the human eye cannot see.

There is a minimalist grandeur to a Charles Paul Azzopardi photograph that weds technical mastery with a more loose and lyrical expressiveness. Shooting dance, live (none of these were posed or shot during rehearsal settings) is akin to shooting a sport, in near complete enshrouding darkness, at ISO 12,800, without knowing the rules of the sport. So many sharply-detailed small moments that resonate as sturdy, spellbound and suggestive. Amazingly, these images were captured very early in his artistic development as a visual artist in the medium of photography, with basic analogue & digital equipment. Throughout this project, Azzopardi spent time touring with several international and local dance companies, while paying close attention to the meaningful principles behind visual black and white aesthetics. The clarity achieved is through stillness and solitude. The appeal to the unadorned natural order that inspires a more profound appreciation for beauty.

Moreover, what has always marked Azzopardi’s photographs is their painterly quality – his scenes have an expressive purity and a self-contained life of their own. Azzopardi is leading the viewer to a keener appreciation of the transformative opportunity still radiant in the world – not just all that endures and is timeless – but the evanescent, transitory moments that are here for a startling instant and then gone forever… except when they remain frozen and wondrous, in Azzopardi’s evocative prints.

Principles Against Intolerance

The mission of the MIPP is to promote, create and disseminate knowledge, to expand opportunities for all, and to educate on photography. The Institute therefore strives to foster an environment in which all are included, all are given an equal opportunity to attend, learn and explore, in which differences as well as commonalities are celebrated, and in which dissenting viewpoints are not only tolerated but encouraged. Acts of hatred, intolerant conduct and acts of discrimination that demean our differences, are antithetical to the values of the MIPP.

Institute policy prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender, gender expression, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), genetic information (including family medical history), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, service in the uniformed services, or the intersection of any of these factors. Prohibited discrimination arising from historical biases, stereotypes and prejudices jeopardizes the research, teaching and service mission of the Institute. This mission is best served when members of the University community collaborate to foster an equal learning environment for all, in which all members of the community are welcomed and confident of their physical safety.

Anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination have no place in the Institute and should any forms of discrimination emerge, the Institute is bound to take immediate action. Freedom of expression and freedom of inquiry are paramount for the MIPP. 

Each member of the Institute community is entitled to speak, to be heard, and to be engaged based on the merits of their views, and unburdened by historical biases, stereotypes and prejudices. Discourse that reflects such biases, stereotypes or prejudice can undermine the equal and welcoming learning environment that the Institute strives to foster. The Institute seeks to educate members of the community to recognize, understand and avoid biases, stereotypes and prejudices. Mutual respect and civility within debate and dialogue advance the mission of the Institute and its members. 

Actions that physically or otherwise interfere with the ability of an individual or group to assemble, speak, and share or hear the opinions of others (within time place and manner restrictions adopted by the Institute) impair the mission and intellectual life will not be tolerated.

Harassment, threats, assaults, vandalism, and destruction of property, as defined by University policy, will not be tolerated within the Institute community. Where investigation establishes that such unlawful conduct was targeted at an individual or individuals based on discrimination prohibited by Institute policy, Institute administrators should consider disciplinary measures as per Institute Statute.

Fostering mutual respect is paramount for the Institute and all possible steps permissible under law will be taken to safeguard this. 

AMIPP Successful Qualification Panels

Associateship (A.M.I.P.P.) is considered as a middle level group. Associates carry the responsibility for the development of the profession and the MIPP.

© Renata Apanaviciene

Successful Qualification Panels:

2020 Amanda Hsu
2020 Charles Paul Azzopardi
2020 Earl Mallia
2020 Tonio Polidano
2020 Yasmin Dingli
2019 Renata Apanaviciene
2018 Podge Kelly
2017 Sandra Hotrum
2017 Keith Ellul
2016 Dominic Aquilina
2016 Johann Debono
2014 Romana Wyllie
2014 Guido Bonett
2013 Ramon Curmi
2013 Darrin Zammit Lupi

More Panels:
LMIPP Successful Qualification Panels
FMIPP Successful Qualification Panels

MIPP Studio Hire – Booking Form

Welcome to the MIPP Studio – where you can bring your concepts to life, whether for personal or commissioned work. We are working towards making it one of the best studio spaces here in Malta, building upon what is already a well-equipped studio space. Included in the hourly fee, (see rates below), make the most of our:

• Wall mounted system containing black, white, blue, wheat and other coloured paper backdrops

• Portable system with telescopic pole to hang any backdrop

• 2 x Godox AD300 Pro Strobe Systems (courtesy of Photo Images Malta)

• 2 x Jinbei 500W Strobe Systems (courtesy of iLAB PHOTO)

• Manfrotto Light Table and Large Foldio Light Tent for Product Photography (courtesy of iLAB PHOTO)

• Stands, diffusers, trolley for laptop tethering

• Triggers for all Camera Systems

• Kitchen and Bathroom

• Samsung Smart TV for tethering or music

Booking Hire Rates – Non-Member Rates

Minimum Hire: 2 x Hours
Hiring Time Options and Rates:

• MIPP members are eligible to receive discounts on studio hire as listed above for a small annual membership fee.
• Payments are to be made via bank transfer or via our online store within 48 hours of booking confirmation by MIPP.

HoursMember Rates
(25 Euros Per Hour)
Non-Member Rates
(37.50 Euros Per Hour)
250 euros75 euros
375 euros112.50 euros
4100 euros150 euros
5125 euros187.50 euros
6150 euros225 euros
7175 euros362.50 euros
8200 euros300 euros
9225 euros337.50 euros
10250 euros375 euros
These rates are current as on August 2024. First time users must undertake a Studio Orientation prior to booking the studio. Free Orientations will be available on selected dates. Optional paid orientations available should these dates not be possible for you.
Kindly include your requested booking dates and times, and we'll get back to you and inform you whether the studio is available at that time. Booking availability is not guaranteed.

Upcoming Events

January 2024

Tuesday 9th – Post Christmas|New Year Party at Kuncett, Valletta – from 7pm – Small Fee Payable

Tuesday 16th – Introduction to Studio Lighting – Workshop – 18:30 MIPP Studio Paola – Limited Free Spots

Tuesday 23rd – Shane P Watts Wedding Photography – Talk “Finding harmony in the chaos” – 18:30 MIPP Studio Paola

November 2023

Tuesday 7th – Michael Bonnici Kind Exhibition Launch – The Unexpected – Wildlife – 18:30 MIPP Studio Paola

Tuesday 14th – Second Hand Gear Sale – 18:30 MIPP Studio Paola

Tuesday 28th – Social Night – 18:30 MIPP Studio Paola

October 2023

Tuesday 3rd – Closed due to preparations for Convention

Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th – Annual Photography Convention, The Brewhouse with international speakers – ticketed

September 2023

Tuesday 5th – Talk – Edward De Gabriele 9-5 to Freelance Course – Course Demo and Information Session 18:30 MIPP Studio Paola

Tuesday 12th – Panel Discussion – Know your Worth: When to Say No! 18:30 MIPP

Tuesday 19th – Social Night 18:30 MIPP Studio, Paola

August 2023

1st – 28th – Santa Marija Closure

Tuesday 29th – SIA Exhibition Night, 18:30 MIPP Studio Paola

July 2023

Tuesday 4th – Workshop – Studio Lighting for Beginners, by Ramon Sammut, 18:30 MIPP Premises, Paola

Tuesday 11th – Social Night 18:30 MIPP Premises Paola

June 2023

Tuesday 6th – Talk – Wedding Photography, by Clive Xuereb, 18:30 MIPP Premises, Paola

Tuesday 13th – Talk – Intellectual Property and Copyright Law for Photographers, by Jeanine Rizzo, 18:30 MIPP Premises, Paola

Tuesday 27th – Social Night 18:30 MIPP Premises Paola

May 2023

Tuesday 2nd – Talk – Conceptual Portrait Photography & Set Design, by Lorella Castillo, 18:30 MIPP Premises Paola

Tuesday 16th – Workshop – Studio Product Photography, by Carl Tanti, 18:30 MIPP Premises Paola

Tuesday 23rd – Social Night 18:30 MIPP Premises Paola

April 2023

Tuesday 4th – Talk – Landscape & Aerial Photography, by Duncan Cauchi, 18:30 MIPP Premises Paola

Tuesday 11th – Social Night, 18:30 MIPP Premises Paola

Tuesday 25th – Talk – International Concert and Touring Photography, by Emma Tranter, 18:30 MIPP Premises Paola

Invitation To Exhibit

© Ramon Curmi


The MIPP Committee would like to invite fully paid up members to exhibit at our premises in Paola. We have installed purpose-built rails for ensuring safe and easy hanging of frame exhibits. The following are the guidelines for such exhibitions:

  1. Exhibitions should comprise of a maximum of 12 photographs.
  2. Print sizes are to be either 16×20 inches or 12×16 inches (passpartouts for the latter size are available free).
  3. If the above dimensions are retained, the MIPP will provide frames at no charge to members.
  4. The exhibitor must do his own promotion, invitations, opening etc; (MIPP can guide).
  5. The exhibition will remain displayed at the MIPP premises for at least one month. The exhibitor will be able to also arrange a walkthrough of the exhibition.
  6. Exhibitors can sell their work. A 25% donation is payable to MIPP when works are sold. Exhibitor is responsible for fiscal receipts. A price list is to be visible and displayed with the exhibition. Photographs exhibited or sold are to be printed on photographic paper. Exhibitors can opt out of selling their works.
  7. It is at the discretion of the MIPP committee to accept or refuse exhibitions.
  8. Requests for exhibitions, together with 3 JPG samples of the proposed work, are to be addressed to:
  9. Exhibitions will be featured in the MIPP Newsletter. The exhibitor will assist the editorial board of the newsletter to advertise
  10. One may engage a curator but arrangements and/or costs are to be borne by the exhibitor. However, the final decision/s need be approved by the MIPP Committee.
  11. Photographs are to be printed only at MIPP sponsors.

MIPP Mentoring Service

© Ivan Gatt


If you are not sure that your work is up to any of the required levels, simply utilize the benefits of the ‘MIPP MENTORING SERVICE.’

This is done in the following manner:

  1. Applicant first submits to his Mentor a selection of the images he thinks should go into his qualification panel ( a minimum of 20 to a maximum of 30, jpeg high resolution 300 dpi images approximately 10 x 8 inch size on CD or DVD)
  2. Mentor will evaluate whether he feels that the level is sufficient and suggest ways of improving the submission.
  3. Further guidance will then be given on presentation and fine tuning of the final set of images.


Mentoring DOES NOT guarantee success but is intended to guide and help the applicant with his Qualification submission.

This is not a free service, as the MIPP must pay the Mentor. When Mentoring service (which is optional) is required, the applicant must pay a further 35 Euros apart from the normal Qualification application fee.

The Mentor MUST NOT judge any panels that he has mentored and it is his responsibility to inform the co-ordinator of the Qualifications judging panel. Mentor/s are appointed in March of each year by the Executive Committee.

AMIPP 2020 – Tonio Polidano

Statement of Intent


This presentation of my work brings together the last three years of my experiences in travel photography. It shows images taken during my visits to England, Scotland, Wales, Iceland and Norway, some of which have been captured in remote and challenging locations.

I named this project ‘Escapes’ because of the sense of isolation and distance that the images project. ‘Isolation’ and ‘distance’ are two words which we have come to hear regularly in these last months since COVID-19. My images came as an antecedent to this pandemic and have not resulted because of it. However, the sheer coincidence of the preparation of my work during this period of lockdown carried with it a wish to escape and made me reflect on the difficulty of dealing with confinement and our desire as humans for open spaces that provide reassurance and calm.

‘Escapes’ is about sourcing and capturing landscapes and seascapes that reveal a sense of tranquillity and safety. I have always been inspired by the symmetry and the reflections that I see around me and, of course, for reflections to occur, one needs water and light, two elements that struck me enormously during my trips to northern European and Scandinavian countries. It is all about water, light and space in these places. Reflections therefore come as a natural consequence. My experiences took me through no less than 4,000 kilometres of driving in quite a variety of climatic and travel conditions. Each trip felt like a welcome period of escape from our rushed lives to one of reflection and stillness. In spite of their motionlessness, the photographs are not uninhabited. Houses, boats and bridges provide comforting features of a life unseen.  

‘Escapes’ is being presented in the form of a Qualification panel in full colour format. The editing hours have been numerous, but the personal satisfaction and learning curve have been intense.


The Institute shall be known as The Malta Institute of Professional Photography or M.I.P.P.

The main objective being the furtherance and improvement of photography and photography practitioners in all aspects.

The Malta Institute of Professional Photography (or M.I.P.P.) has been set up to improve the technical knowledge and professional status as well as the image of persons involved in the Photographic Industry. It is also dedicated to achieve and maintain standards in professional practice and conduct for the benefit of photography and buyers of photography. Its role is also to safeguard, monitor and deal with matters which affect professional photography.

It is also the purpose of the MIPP to be an authoritative voice for professional photographers and the trade in order to be able to lobby on issues concerning the working photographer.

A great deal has been achieved since the Institute has been in operation, (the first meeting was held on the 30th of July, 1996). The Institute’s main aim is to run on a professional as well as on a commercial basis and this has been fully achieved.

In these few years, the MIPP has become the professional photographer’s voice with the Government, it has run international Seminars and Conventions aimed at improving the skills of its members. It regularly organises photographic exhibitions and fora as well as strives to make the public more aware of the local photographer and his products.

Beginners and hobbyists are also important for the MIPP, and a continuous effort is maintained to teach and groom would-be photographers.

The MIPP has also instituted Malta’s own Photographic Distinctions and Qualifications, running these on the same lines as those of other European Countries.

Other important items on the Institute’s Calendar are the  MIPP Malta Photographer of the Year Award as well as the MIPP Awards of Achievement. These help in  strengthening the esteem and status of the Maltese photographer.

Keeping abreast of the changing needs of the profession, the MIPP is also a member of the Federation of European Photographers (FEP).

The purpose of the MIPP is to continue to improve, teach and collaborate in all spheres of the Photographic circuit, both locally as well as internationally.