
Welcome to the MIPP Blog.

No matter how long someone has been shooting for, we all encounter challenges and seek advice on a frequent basis, and chances are, those that have been in the industry longer or who have been subjected to similar challenges can help or may have a solution that is worth its weight in gold.

The MIPP is dedicated to better the local commercial industry, this means that we are hear to act as a voice of a community that, at times, and likened to other creative industries, experience situations that other industries would consider unfair and at times, downright laughable and disrespectful! These challenges may be in relation to remuneration and payment terms, acknowledgement and accreditation when being published, the misuse of your IP and the list unfortunately goes on and on and on.

The MIPP’s aim is to be Malta’s premier voice for the photographic industry and thus, have created a page dedicated to assisting you in your journey as a photographer. The content you will find here may be in the form of opinion pieces, anecdotes or professional advice and is not claiming to be legal advice. It is simply a platform for photographers with countless decades of experience up their collective sleeves, who are imparting their experiences and knowledge. It is not a place to name and shame, and even when being anecdotal, no names are to be used.

We are here to share and hopefully in the process, shed light on topics that may be tricky to navigate, and to educate each other on ways to push the photography industry forward, not only here in Malta but also abroad, in hope that one day, these ill-practices will eventually be a thing of the past. We can only hope, right!

If you have any topics or questions you wish to raise, or would like to contribute to the conversation by writing a an opinion piece or case study, please get in touch with us –

If you are in need of peer-to-peer advice, please consider becoming a member and attend our monthly social nights, we are a community here to help one another! Times are changing so let’s steer this beast together, with one photo at a time.