Invitation To Exhibit

© Ramon Curmi


The MIPP Committee would like to invite fully paid up members to exhibit at our premises in Paola. We have installed purpose-built rails for ensuring safe and easy hanging of frame exhibits. The following are the guidelines for such exhibitions:

  1. Exhibitions should comprise of a maximum of 12 photographs.
  2. Print sizes are to be either 16×20 inches or 12×16 inches (passpartouts for the latter size are available free).
  3. If the above dimensions are retained, the MIPP will provide frames at no charge to members.
  4. The exhibitor must do his own promotion, invitations, opening etc; (MIPP can guide).
  5. The exhibition will remain displayed at the MIPP premises for at least one month. The exhibitor will be able to also arrange a walkthrough of the exhibition.
  6. Exhibitors can sell their work. A 25% donation is payable to MIPP when works are sold. Exhibitor is responsible for fiscal receipts. A price list is to be visible and displayed with the exhibition. Photographs exhibited or sold are to be printed on photographic paper. Exhibitors can opt out of selling their works.
  7. It is at the discretion of the MIPP committee to accept or refuse exhibitions.
  8. Requests for exhibitions, together with 3 JPG samples of the proposed work, are to be addressed to:
  9. Exhibitions will be featured in the MIPP Newsletter. The exhibitor will assist the editorial board of the newsletter to advertise
  10. One may engage a curator but arrangements and/or costs are to be borne by the exhibitor. However, the final decision/s need be approved by the MIPP Committee.
  11. Photographs are to be printed only at MIPP sponsors.